Public and private companies, investment firms, air transport firms and other companies operating

in the UAE, as well as other types of UAE residents, may benefit from Avoidance of Double Taxation

Agreements (“DTA”). In order to benefit from a DTA, a person generally required to provide a TRC to prove residency in another country and subject to tax in that country. The TRC is a certificate issued for Eligible government entities, companies and individuals to take advantage of agreements of double Taxation avoidance on income to which the UAE is a signatory.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Natural persons

The applicant must have been a resident of the UAE for at least 180 days. Also an annual lease

Agreement officially documented by the competent authorities, such as EJARI in Dubai

Municipalities in other Emirates and free zone authorities must be attached to the application.

2. Legal persons

In order to be eligible to apply for a TRC, the legal person must have been established for at least one year. Financial accounts must be audited or prepared by an accredited audit firm and attached with other required documents to the application. The report must be certified and stamped by the audit firm. The audited financial report to be attached to the application must cover the year for which the certificate is requested. If the certificate is requested for the present year, the audit report must be covering the past year.

* Note: Offshore companies are not allowed to apply for the service because they are not listed in the Double Taxation Avoidance agreements.

Required Documents for TRC Where the applicant is a natural person:

  1. Passport.
  2. Valid Residence Permit.
  3. Emirates ID.
  4. A certified copy of residential lease agreement.
  5. Source of income/salary certificate.
  6. A bank statement issued by a local bank covering 6 months within the financial year related to the request.
  7. Entry and exit report from Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship or a local competent Government entity.

Required Documents for TRC Where the applicant is a legal person:

  1. Trade License.
  2. Proof of Authorization (Establishment Contract or the Power of Attorney).
  3. Copy of the audited financial accounts certified by a certified audit firm.
  4. A bank statement issued by a local bank covering 6 months within the financial year related to the request.
  5. Certified copy of the Memorandum of Association (if applicable).
  6. A copy of the Decree or the Certificate of Incorporation.
  7. Request letter issued by the person (the Government entity).

The VAT team in Abstract Tax Consultant will supports businesses and Individuals to navigate in getting the Taxation Residency Certificate (TRC).The team consists of VAT experts from our international and local offices with decades of combined experiences. This combination gives the advantage for our clients, both local and multinational, to have the global approach in the service delivery. In addition, with the “in-house” experiences from most of our team members, the client can assure that our approach will be more business oriented rather than theoretical.