Due to the introduction of VAT legislation in UAE companies face a number of challenges while implementing VAT in their business stream to ensure compliance with VAT. Most businesses need professional knowledge about the requirements involved in VAT compliance, proper documentation, proper interpretation of Articles of VAT Law and filing procedures entailed in the compliance process. Abstract Tax Consultant Chartered Accountants have a team of VAT consultants and tax advisors to help you sort out any problems you may have in these areas, because of our expertise and certified FTA Tax agency, our services cuts across several industries, we are the right representation to managing your FTA tax procedures. Our certified accountants will advise you on options available to your case and prepare the needed documentation on your behalf. To build long-term relationships with our clients, we provide well-researched professional advice and effective solutions to all of their VAT-related issues.

Abstract Tax Consultant will help you to:

  1. Provide a comprehensive VAT impact assessment (free of charge)
  2. Recommend changes to your invoice structure & other related documents 
  3. Educate yourself on the VAT rates applied to every one of your revenue streams
  4. Advice on the impact of VAT on your current projects.
  5. Advise you on data maintenance to comply with VAT.
  6. We will help your business to structure in-house recording and filing processes to ensure that your company does not incur any penalties from improper compliance.
  7. We will help you identify the potential financial challenges you might have faced during the implementation of VAT & can conduct VAT health check to identify the problem areas.
  8. We can also assign you a dedicated VAT consultant to update you on the latest developments regarding the legislation
  9. We will provide best practice quality processes, expertise and platforms to run your business more effectively

Grab the opportunity for advanced consultation beyond compliance and penalty avoidance and maximize your VAT recovery. As our tax agents will check your issue to build the strength of your case.